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The History of Martial Arts at Warrior Combat Arts Academy

Picture of the outside of Warrior/Tandez Academy of Martial Arts Mountain View, CA

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The New Kid on the Block

The Academy was started in 2005 to fill a void. There was a need for Jeet Kune Do training in the Bay Area. Although Bruce Lee lived in the San Francisco Bay Area, no one was teaching his martial arts. Enter SiFu Adrian Tandez. He opened his first school in San Carlos, California. The school grew quickly. Students were filling up the classes. The school expanded. Later the Academy moved to Mountain View, where it is presently. From 2008 to 2016, the school tripled in size. Students often had to train in the parking lot because classes were filled to capacity. The Academy flourished. Today the Academy boasts of five different martial arts programs being offered. To this day, no other school in the Bay Area has what the Academy offers.

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1931 Old Middlefield Way, Unit C, Mountain View, California
Phone: 408 373 0204 /
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